An ancient Chinese method safely using fire and glass cups to create a vacuum pressure drawing in body tissue and releasing tightness and tension.
What is cupping?
A painless pleasant treatment, great for releasing accumulated stress and tension, common colds and encouraging blood circulation and lymph flow.
How does it help?
Helps to circulate fresh blood, oxygen and nutrients to tired, stuck and painful areas.
A bit like a deep tissue massage, it brings great relief and is NOT painful at all!
Information about markings
What are markings? ↓
The markings that can be seen give clues to the level of congestion located in the tissue that is drawn up to the surface often the result of working in toxic environments, trauma, injury, overuse or from illness in the body.
What do they look like? ↓
Markings often result of different colours from pink to red to purple depending on the level of stagnation. For example:
- Red marks represent heat and moderate congestion
- Darker markings represent the longevity and severity of stagnation
- Blue markings are seen as cold stuck in the channels/tissue
- No markings can be viewed as healthy tissue or a depletion or a condition of damp.
How long do they last? ↓
Markings disappear within 2-7days during the healing process when Red blood cells come to the area to take away old blood cells and bring new cells as well as White blood cells for extra immunity so healing takes place over several days. Safe practice is always observed.